same time.
Facebook's newest technology is way good at
identifying you in photos even without the need
to see your face .
The New Scientist is reporting about the
Facebook's new "experimental" facial
recognition algorithm which is so powerful that
it can identify you in photos even when your
faces are hidden.
Instead, the Facebook's extremely accurate
facial recognition algorithm uses other unique
characteristics — such as your hairstyle, your
body shape, your body language, your clothing
and how you carry yourself — to identify that
it's you.
Facebook's New Facial Recognition Technology -
83% Accurate
Facebook's artificial intelligence lab is working
on this technology and, according to the head
of artificial intelligence at Facebook Yann
Lecun, the experimental algorithm is currently
able to identify individuals with 83% accuracy,
even if the faces in the photos are obscured.
"There are a lot of cues we use. People
have characteristic aspects, even if
you look at them from the back," Lecun
said while taking to the New Scientist.
Like, "for example, you can recognize
Mark Zuckerberg very easily because he
always wears a gray T-shirt."
No doubt, this is beneficial to Facebook, who
wants to incorporate this algorithm into its
recently-launched Moments app that helps
create collections of photos by scanning your
camera roll with facial recognition.
Even though the feature is very impressive, it
does not mean every one of us are comfortable
with the idea of being so accurately scanned,
identified, and recognized by any tech company.
However, LeCun said the technology could
actually be good for privacy. Like, it might
alert users if their photo surfaces online, even
if their face is not clear or they are facing
away from the camera.